Sydnee's Blog

My journey

Project Time

This last week has been a very intense week for me. I have been hesitating every day on starting my project. The hardest part of getting started has been me doubting myself and not knowing what to do to get started. The easiest part was coming up with my topic since I went with something that I was really interested in. I have a big hobby for playing basketball so I chose to make my application about my favorite basketball team; The Golden State Warriors. I finally chose to just take the leap and get started even if my code gets pretty messy. I never really have time to watch the games so keeping up with their stats is very important to me. My goal is to display all of the players stats from preseason 2019-20.

Staying Down For The Come Up

The beginning of this Object Orienated Programming section started out great. I learned about defining classes and how to create an instance of a class. A Dog class would be defined with the keyword class, followed by the class name and closed with an end. The body of this class would go between the class and end keywords. Example 1

class Dog
# the body of this class goes here

As I was going through this section I was feeling very confident about my ability to understand the content and complete the labs. However, things started to get a little more difficult once I had to start defining initialize methods. An initialize method is used when we want each instance of our class to be created with certain attributes and is called automatically whenever new is used. Example 2

class Dog
  def initialize(breed)
    @breed = breed
  def breed=(breed)
    @breed = breed
  def breed

Now we can call new like this :

lassie ="Collie")
lassie.breed #=> "Collie"

I now understand how and when to use an initialize method and am much more comfortable using them than I did before. The Object Initialization Lab asked me to create a Dog class that:

    sets the name of the dog in an instance variable @name
    sets the breed of the dog in an instance variable @breed
    defaults the breed argument to "Mutt" in an instance variable @breed

Example 3

class Dog 
  def initialize(name,breed = "Mutt")
    @name = name 
    @breed = breed 

new kid on the block

This is my third week at Flat Iron School and it has honestly been the best experience of my life. I have wanted to learn how to code since highschool, which was almost four years ago. I have actually been looking into this school for the last two years and did not know they offered Income Sharing; which is where you don’t start paying the bootcamp any money until you land a job making a certain salary. This option was the only way I would be able to attend a bootcamp unless I had gotten a scholarship or a horrifying loan. I had a lot of ups and downs along my journey and never thought I would actually be here in this moment. I left highschool not knowing which route to take nor knowing how I was going to break into tech. I have worked almost every job from customer service, fast food, cleaning, hard labor, healthcare to on demand services. While I am very young, I just want to say that I am tired of giving my all to people who don’t respect me as a person, my services nor my goals. I plan to continue growing and mastering my skills along this new big chapter of my life. I am also super excited to know that I will be the first one in my family to have an official “Career” that I am actually having fun doing.