This is my third week at Flat Iron School and it has honestly been the best experience of my life. I have wanted to learn how to code since highschool, which was almost four years ago. I have actually been looking into this school for the last two years and did not know they offered Income Sharing; which is where you don’t start paying the bootcamp any money until you land a job making a certain salary. This option was the only way I would be able to attend a bootcamp unless I had gotten a scholarship or a horrifying loan. I had a lot of ups and downs along my journey and never thought I would actually be here in this moment. I left highschool not knowing which route to take nor knowing how I was going to break into tech. I have worked almost every job from customer service, fast food, cleaning, hard labor, healthcare to on demand services. While I am very young, I just want to say that I am tired of giving my all to people who don’t respect me as a person, my services nor my goals. I plan to continue growing and mastering my skills along this new big chapter of my life. I am also super excited to know that I will be the first one in my family to have an official “Career” that I am actually having fun doing.